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Cambridge IGCSE and O Level Accounting Coursebook

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Rs 14,784.00

Covers the Cambridge IGCSE Accounting syllabus (0452) and Cambridge O Level Accounting syllabus (7110), first examination 2020. With more practice questions than the previous edition and content matched to the Cambridge IGCSE and O Level Accounting syllabuses, this coursebook increases understanding of accounting best practice. Clear step-by-step explanations and instructions...

Covers the Cambridge IGCSE Accounting syllabus (0452) and Cambridge O Level Accounting syllabus (7110), first examination 2020. With more practice questions than the previous edition and content matched to the Cambridge IGCSE and O Level Accounting syllabuses, this coursebook increases understanding of accounting best practice. Clear step-by-step explanations and instructions help students learn how to record, report, present and interpret financial information while gaining an appreciation of the ways accounting is used in modern business contexts. 
  • ISBN: 9781316502778
  • Author(s): Catherine Coucom
  • Publisher: Cambridge University Press 
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